By late March, the coronavirus pandemic had caused travel within the United States to come to a standstill. Though many businesses were able to pivot quickly and figure out how to connect and work effectively in a remote setting through an increased reliance on conference calls, webinars and virtual platforms, most agreed: there is no replacing face-to-face interactions.

The fact is, the importance of face-to-face meetings is invaluable. The coronavirus pandemic complete with social distancing and endless Zoom calls and webinars has accentuated the need and desire for human connection in person. From growing new business, retaining and building existing relationships, gaining experience or training, or continuing to be informed and educated on the latest trends, technologies or products, being together, in person is much more effective, efficient and genuine than a virtual setting can capture.

The report is intended to provide U.S. Travel Association members and businesses within the broader travel industry with real data, case studies, and a potential recovery timeline.

All information within report—including the policy solutions provided—can be used to inform lawmakers of the importance of business travel, as well as the meetings and event sectors, to the overall the economy, American jobs and U.S. trade; how the coronavirus pandemic has stalled a decade of growth that jeopardizes the rebuilding of our country; and ways to accelerate recovery.