Fourth of July, typically the biggest travel week of the summer, will undoubtedly look different this year: Air travel is down, fireworks shows have been cancelled and celebrations will be smaller.

Though signs of a recovery are on the horizon, it is clear that Americans are hesitant to resume their normal travel activities. A June 23 Longwoods International survey found that nearly 70% of Americans said they are changing their travel plans due to the pandemic. Additionally, a Destination Analysts survey found that a staggering 57% of respondents do not yet want visitors in their communities.  

To get Americans moving again, there need to be assurances across the entire travel system that travelers’ health and safety is being given the highest priority. We need travelers, residents and businesses to recognize that they also have a role to play in keeping each other safe and healthy.   

To that end, U.S. Travel released a suite of resources centered around this theme, including infographics, social media materials, sample web badges and more that showcase our entire industry's commitment to keeping travelers and their families safe and healthy at every point in the travel journey.

The resources in this toolkit emphasize that, although health and safety practices may be implemented in different ways throughout the travel system, each touchpoint of a traveler’s journey is adhering to enhanced cleanliness measures—from the airport to the hotel, and every restaurant, guided tour or attraction in between.

The new Travel Confidently (A shared responsibility) toolkit follows the introduction of U.S. Travel’s own core set of health and safety guidance to facilitate the industry’s reopening. Titled “Travel in the New Normal: Industry Guidance for Promoting the Health and Safety of All Travelers,” the guidance seeks to use a layered approach to reinforce health and safety measures while restoring confidence across the entire travel system.

However, a healthy and safe travel experience is a shared responsibility. While there may be more backyard barbecues than beach parties this Fourth of July, people will travel this week—they have a duty to protect themselves and each other. A traveler who wears a mask in their home community does not have to relax their own healthy practices just because they are traveling to a community that may have looser restrictions.

A revival of the travel industry—and the larger American economy—is contingent on businesses, residents and travelers doing their part. When we all commit to maintaining and adhering to the highest health and safety guidance, Americans can Travel Confidently.

Please click here to view the toolkit, and click here to watch a webinar on the new resources and the travel industry’s recovery.

U.S. Travel Association

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