Brand USA
For every $1 spent on marketing, Brand USA adds $25 to U.S. economy

Brand USA is the highly successful public-private partnership formed under the bipartisan Travel Promotion Act of 2009, charged with promoting the U.S. as a destination to global travelers. In 2019, the year-end funding agreement included language to renew Brand USA through 2027, ensuring this program continues to deliver for all of America.
Hundreds of U.S. communities, large and small, benefit from Brand USA’s work to enhance our image abroad. The program’s marketing efforts—which operate at no cost to taxpayers—continues to bring in billions of dollars in visitor spending, which strengthens our country’s trade balance and supports tens of thousands of jobs.
U.S. Travel is dedicated to preserving Brand USA, and ensuring that U.S. leaders continue to recognize the organization’s value to our nation’s economy.
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