It’s time to rally for our industry.

National Travel and Tourism Week 2020 (NTTW), the 37th annual celebration of the contributions and accomplishments of the U.S. travel industry, will take place from May 3-9.

Each year, U.S. Travel provides a theme the industry can rally behind. This year’s theme is “Travel Works” because this industry builds the very foundation to so many things we value: a strong economy, job opportunities, a steady career, a good place to live, lasting memories, and connections with those around us. 

There is no doubt that travel works for America. As an industry we deliver more than $2 trillion for the U.S. economy, support more than 15 million American jobs and are pivotal to helping lower the trade deficit.

But it doesn’t stop here. Across the country—from the biggest urban centers to the smallest one-stoplight towns—travel works for Americans every day. It generates tax revenue that funds essential services for communities, such as firefighters and public school teachers. It offers accessible and meaningful jobs: a first job in travel can provide a teenager with valuable work experience or help someone reentering the workforce get back on their feet, turning into a lifelong career that provides for a family.                                                                                          

Travel works also for Americans in ways that we can’t always see—but in ways that nonetheless make an impact on our lives. Welcoming visitors from out of town helps build bridges between communities and cultures and makes us more aware of the world around us. And along the way, we make priceless memories with friends and family that last a lifetime.

This May, I invite you to join us in celebrating the many ways Travel Works for our country, your community, your job or even your personal life. A toolkit with ideas and resources to get involved will be coming soon but if you want to get involved now, start using the hashtags #nttw20 and #TravelWorks in your social media posts highlighting how travel benefits your community.

Let us know how you’ll be celebrating. Contact me ([email protected]) or Nikki Carpenter, manager of digital communications ([email protected]).


U.S. Travel Association

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