When it comes to the issue of sustainability, the industry is reaching a critical inflection point—one that will have a lasting impact on the decades ahead.  

As organizations across industries prioritize lessening their environmental impact, travel has proved to be a leader in paving the way for others—setting ambitious goals to cut carbon emissions, partnering with government entities to lay out frameworks for the future and using our industry’s collective voice to set an example for organizations outside travel and tourism.   

To move the needle on this issue, U.S. Travel recently formed the Sustainable Travel Coalition, a group of more than 60 members—representing all sectors of the industry—that will guide and shape policy relating to sustainability in the months, years and decades ahead. We’ll continue to look to each of our member organizations to share obstacles—both current and on the horizon. 

The goal of this newly formed coalition is to strengthen our industry’s collaboration, inform our association’s sustainability agenda and work to urge action on pro-environment, pro-growth measures to create a more sustainable future.  

And on September 20, the industry will come together for U.S. Travel’s Future of Travel Mobility Conference—a unique gathering that will give global business leaders and policymakers an opportunity to discuss sustainability in the context of our country’s mobility. You can reserve your spot at this year’s conference here

Together, we can build a more sustainable future and ensure the beautiful destinations across our country are preserved for generations to come.  

In This The Itinerary
As senior vice president of government relations, Erik Hansen leads policy development and advocacy campaigns for U.S. Travel's domestic and international policy agenda, and represents the travel community before the Executive Branch and Congress. View Profile ›

U.S. Travel Association

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