The travel industry added 8,400 jobs in June, according to the U.S. Travel Association’s analysis of Friday’s Labor Department employment report. Travel industry employment has grown every month in 2017 so far. 

media Travel Employment June 2017 Updated

Most travel industry segments added jobs last month. Job gains occurred in the food and beverage service, airline and lodging segments in particular. The travel industry as a whole has added 45,300 jobs in the first six months of 2017.

The travel industry remains a consistent job creator for the U.S. economy, adding new jobs 10 out of the last 12 months and continuing to support one in nine American jobs. The monthly jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that total non-farm employment increased by 222,000 in June, and the overall U.S. unemployment rate remained nearly unchanged at 4.4 percent. 

U.S. Travel Association

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